
Caltrans, District 3 On-Call Construction Inspection Services; Highway 70 Widening

The Highway 70 Safety Widening Project consists of widening the existing highway from 2 to 5 lanes as well as shoulders, utility relocation, drainage improvements, and safety upgrades. The proposed improvements are expected to reduce the collision rates at this location. The project is in phase 4 of an overall plan for Highway 70 improvements connecting two bridges with 10-miles of highway from North Honcut Creek to Jack Slough. Our team currently provides support as Assistant Resident Engineers and Lead Inspectors to the Caltrans Yuba Construction Office.

Humboldt County, On-Call Construction Management and Inspection Services

Albat provides office engineering, inspection, material engineering and source inspection to multiple projects throughout Humboldt County. This on-call contract consists of state and federally funded roadway and bridge construction projects and have included slope stabilization, roadway rehabilitation and paving, soldier pile walls, drainage systems, safety upgrades, and bridge construction providing residents with more accessible roadways and travel ways throughout the County.

Caltrans, District 59, METS – Quality Assurance and Inspection Services – North

Caltrans METS is responsible for the quality assurance of all structural materials used by Caltrans throughout the State. As part of the Quality Assurance and Inspection Services – North Region Contract, Albat provides support to districts 1, 2, 3, 6 and 10 for the sampling, testing, and release of materials fabricated at the source. This work included management of materials fabricated offsite to and transported to the jobsite as well as specialized inspection of materials performed at the jobsite.

Caltrans, District 1, On-Call Construction Inspection Services

Albat provides inspection and materials testing support to Caltrans District 1 in Lake, Mendocino, Humboldt, and Del Norte Counties. Our experienced inspection staff monitor the contractors’ compliance with project plans, details, and all specifications required to properly construct these projects. Their understanding of limited work windows, permit requirements, and working within small and constricted footprints and flexibility and adaptability to provide services throughout the District is key to providing responsive and comprehensive services.

BART – On-Call Construction Management

As part of this on-call contract, Albat provides project management support to the Traction Power department for their substation projects. Key to this is providing support to the Transbay Corridor core Capacity Program (TCCCP) project in coordinating with project and construction activities, contractors, and stakeholders to facilitate project completion.